Gather the whole group for this mode with high energy plays and serious snag battles! Play up to 8 players!
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Set Up
- Play on solid elevated surfaces.
- Create teams (1v1 up to 4v4). Or play free for all style!
- Start in a staggered Cornhole style with equal number of opposing teams on each side of the table. This is a 360° game, so move anywhere as soon as the toss is up.
Offense (Tossing Team)
- Expand the Caddy completely and load the ball before each toss.
- Toss the loaded Caddy at least 10 feet high onto the landing zone to "stack" ribs and "pop" the ball out of the Caddy.
- Earn points by competing to snag the ball in the air, on the table, or even ground it.
- Important: Players are not allowed to touch the Caddy while it is on or above the table.
- Earn points by competing to snag the ball in the air or on the table. Don't let it touch the ground!
- Important: Players are not allowed to touch the Caddy while it is on or above the table.
Teams alternate tossing after every play.
What Happens
- All Players Go For The Ball: All players should be watching the toss and trying to predict the shot. Then players battle to snag the ball in the air or on the table. So move around, box out and position yourself well!
- Player Contact: Because both teams can snag, players must direct all actions towards the ball only. Players cannot push, tackle or impact others intentionally.
- Boxing Out: Players can lightly box each other out to catch the ball.
- Foul: If a player touches the Caddy on or over the table, this is a foul and can result in a re-throw.
What Things Mean
- Live: A play is considered "live" when the Caddy lands accurately on the landing zone and the ball successfully pops out of the Caddy.
- Dead: A play is "dead" if the Caddy hits the table edge, misses the table entirely, or the ball remains inside the Caddy.
- Fault: If a player's first toss is "dead," they are allowed one re-throw.
- Stacked Rib: An inner rib of the Caddy is considered "stacked" when it has completely collapsed, and the Caddy remains on the table. Stack points range from 1 to 4.
Offense (Tossing Team)
- Stack Point: +1 point for each fully collapsed rib on the Caddy if it remains on the table.
- Ground Ball: +1 point if the ball touches the ground.
- Snag Points: +2 points if you successfully snag the ball in the air or on the table.
- Snag Points: +2 points if you successfully snag the ball in the air or on the table.
Cancellation scoring is used after every toss.
Play to 11 or 21 points. You must win by at least 2 points.
Advanced Rules and Scoring
Once you have the basics down, mix and match these additional rules and scoring to level up your game. Each one adds a specific challenge...
Full Stacks Only
Stack points are only valid if the entire Caddy completely collapses all ribs. This "Full Stack" is only worth +1 to the tossing team.
Light Table Snags
Snagging the ball on the table is now worth less than a catch
- Snagging the ball when it is on the table is only worth 1 point instead of 2.
Your body becomes a valid landing zone
- If the offense misses the table on their toss, the defense can "bump" the Caddy one time with a body part before it hits the ground. If the ball comest out of the caddy it is live for both teams to catch.
Bumps Scoring
- If the Caddy is bumped and the ball leaves the Caddy, the team who catches the ball earns +2 points.
- If the ball isn't caught, no harm no points.
Ages 21+
Caddy Flip games are not "drinking games." If you choose to spice it up, drink and play responsibly.
- 1 sip for every rib stacked by the offense.
- Finish your drink if the offense lands a full stack (all ribs collapsed).
Use these tips as you learn!

Split Teams Around a Landing Zone
- Play on solid elevated surfaces.
- Create teams (1v1 up to 4v4). Or play free for all style!
- Try a staggered Cornhole style start, but there's no sides - this is a 360° game!

Load It
Before each toss, the Tossing Team will:
- Expand the Caddy completely
- Drop the ball in the big hole
- Lightly push from the inside to make it stick
NOTE - do not load directly into the small hole from the outside.

Toss It
Toss the loaded Caddy onto the landing zone to pop the ball out.
Spiral - more pops, less lobs, hard to stack.
Flip - random pops, lobs, and stacks

Pop or Lob It
Land it accurately to eject the ball out and start the play.
- Popped Ball: Ball shoots out fast!
- Lobbed Ball: Ball lobs out slowly.
- Dead Play: Ball doesn't come out.
Hitting the edge or missing the table doesn't count and ends the turn.

Bump A Miss
If the Caddy is going to miss the landing surface, the defense can bump the Caddy one time to pop the ball out.
- Use any body part to bump it
- The ball is live for everyone to catch when it comes out
- Stack points and Ground balls will not count on volleys

Snag It
Be the first to get the ball before it touches the ground!
- Catch it in the air!
- Or snag it off the table!
Snag: +2 points to the snagger's team.
Ground Ball: +1 point to tossing team if the ball is grounded instead.

Stack It
Stacks earn max points! (1-4 points)
+1 to tossing team per full rib stack
- Ball must come out of the Caddy
- Caddy must stay on the table
- No player can touch the Caddy on the table

Score It
Since both teams can score on a given turn, use cancel scoring before switching tossing teams.

First team to 11 wins!
- Must win by 2 or more.
- Play to 21 for longer games.
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