Caddy Cage

Set It Up
Gather everyone around a table.
Caddy's and balls are set up on opposite sides of the table.
Each player starts with 11 points.

The Game Begins
On go... the two people with the Caddy and ball race to bounce the ball into the top hole.

The Tower Grows
When you make the ball, expand the Caddy 1 rib to make it taller for the next person. Pass the Caddy and the ball on.

Pass It On
If you make the ball on your first try, expand the Caddy 1 rib and pass to any player.
If you make the ball after your first try, expand the Caddy 1 rib and you can only pass the Caddy to the person to your right.

The Race Continues - Get Ready
Keep going until players end up next to each other... it's about to get intense!

Beat Your Neighbor
When the Caddies get next to each other, beat your neighbor to crush the competition!
If you're on the left, you have a chance to punish your neighbor.
If you're on the right, you better not lose, or else you'll lose points!

Slap It Down
If you're on the left and you make the ball before the person to your right, slap their Caddy down to make them lose points!
Pass your Caddy expanded a rib and ball to the next person as usual.

Take Them Out
If you are slapped, reduce your score by the number of ribs that were slapped closed.
If you hit 0, you lose and are ejected from the game.

The Final 2
Start collapsed and race to completely raise your tower with each made bounce.
The first person to raise their tower and slap it down, wins!
More Details
Set Up
- Players stand around a table.
- Two players on opposite sites of the table each have a Caddy and a ball.
- Players with the Caddy's start at the same time to try to bounce the ball in the Caddy.
- If the player makes the ball in on their first shot, they expand a rib and can pass it and the ball to any other player around the table.
- If the player makes the ball on an attempt that was not their first for that round, they have to expand the Caddy one rib and pass it to the person to their right.
- This process continues around the table. Each time you make the ball in the Caddy, that is a turn.
- If the Caddies are next to each other, the player to the left can slap the Caddy closed of the player to the right if they make their ball first and pass their Caddy on normally.
- When a player gets slapped, count the number of ribs that got slapped closed and reduce that from their points.
- When a player hit zero, they are ejected from the game.
- The game continues until the final two.
- The final two start with fully collapsed Caddies, and race to bounce the ball in and expanding 1 rib for each make.
- The first player to makes the ball on a fully expanded tower, they slap their Caddy closed to claim victory!
Ages 21+
- Instead of starting with points, wager the number of drinks up front you think it will take to win.
- Each time you get slapped down, you must take a drink for each rib that got slapped closed before you can continue bouncing.
- Once you are out of all the drinks you wagered for yourself, you are out.
- In the final two, the person that loses must finish all of their remaining drinks.
Drink and play responsibly.
What games will you come up with?

Classic Game Set