Play casually where only the Defense is focused on catching 2 objects!
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Set up
- Play on solid elevated surfaces
- Create teams of 2v2 or 3v3
- Teams start on opposite sides. This is a 360° game, so move anywhere as soon as the toss is up.
Offense (Tossing Team)
- Expand the Caddy completely and load the ball before each toss.
- Toss the loaded Caddy at least 10 feet high onto the landing zone to "stack" ribs and "pop" the ball out of the Caddy.
- Important: Players are not allowed to touch the Caddy while it is on or above the table.
- Coordinate to snag both the Ball and the Caddy away from the table before they touch the ground.
- If the toss misses the table, the defense can bump the Caddy one time to pop the ball out and catch for a point.
- Important: Players are not allowed to touch the Caddy or Ball while it is on or above the table.
Teams alternate tossing after every play.
What Happens
- Offense Tossing: The offense should really focus on precise tosses that will earn stack points and shoot the ball.
- Defense Catching: The defense must coordinate as a team to catch both objects away from the table prior to them touching the ground.
- Foul: If a player touches the Caddy on or over the table, this is a foul and can result in a re-throw.
What Things Mean
- Live: A play is considered "live" when the Caddy lands accurately on the landing zone and the Ball or Caddy moves away from the table.
- Dead: A play is "dead" if the Caddy hits the table edge, misses the table entirely, or the Ball and Caddy both remain on the table.
- Fault: If a player's first toss is "dead," they are allowed one re-throw.
- Stacked Rib: An inner rib of the Caddy is considered "stacked" when it has completely collapsed, and the Caddy remains on the table. Points range from 1 to 4 stacked ribs.
Offense (Tossing Team)
- Stack Point: +1 point for each fully collapsed rib on the Caddy if it remains on the table.
- Ground Ball: +1 point if the ball touches the ground.
- Ground Caddy: +1 point if the Caddy touches the ground.
- Snag Points: +1 points if you successfully bump the ball out of the Caddy on a missed toss and catch it.
- Stack points and Grounded Caddy/Ball points do not count on Bumps.
Cancellation scoring is used after every toss.
Play to 11 or 21 points. You must win by at least 2 points.
Ages 21+
Caddy Flip games are not "drinking games." If you choose to spice it up, drink and play responsibly.
- 1 sip for every rib stacked by the offense.
- Finish your drink if the offense lands a full stack (all ribs collapsed).
Use these tips as you learn!

Split Teams Around a Landing Zone
- Play on solid elevated surfaces
- Create teams of 2v2 or 3v3
- No sides - this is a 360° game!

Load It
Before each toss, the Tossing Team will:
- Expand the Caddy completely
- Drop the ball in the big hole
- Lightly push from the inside to make it stick
NOTE - do not load directly into the small hole from the outside.

Toss It
Toss the loaded Caddy onto the landing zone to pop the ball out.
Spiral - more pops, less lobs, hard to stack.
Flip - random pops, lobs and stacks

Pop or Lob It
Land it accurately to eject the ball out and start the play.
- Popped Ball: Ball shoots out fast!
- Lobbed Ball: Ball lobs out slowly.
- Dead Play: The Ball and Caddy don't leave the table.
Hitting the edge doesn't count and ends the turn.

Bump A Miss
If the Caddy is going to miss the landing surface, the defense can bump the Caddy one time to pop the ball out.
- Use any body part to bump it
- If the ball is caught by the defense, they will earn +1 point
- Stack points and Grounded Caddies/Balls will not count on volleys

Snag It
The defense must catch both objects before they touch the ground, or give up points.
- Catch the Ball in the air.
- Catch the Caddy in the air.
+1 point to tossing team for each object that is grounded.

Stack It
Stack points earn max points!
EACH rib that is FULLY collapsed is +1 point to the tossing team
- Stacks range from 1-4 ribs
- The Caddy must stay on the table to count
No player can touch the Caddy on the table!

Score It
Since both teams can score on a given turn, use cancel scoring before switching tossing teams.

First team to 11 wins!
- Must win by 2 or more.
- Play to 21 for longer games.

Special Edition Set