Caddy Pop

Split Teams and Create Landing Zones
Split into two teams. Create a common landing zone or team specific landing zones on your table.
Play 1v1 or 2v2.

Load the Caddy
Tossng team expands the Caddy and drops the ball in to load it.

Flip and Stick
Toss the loaded caddy with a flip at least 10' above the table onto the landing zone to stick the landing.

Game On
When the Caddy lands accurately and the ball leaves the Caddy, it's a race.
The Race - If the ball leaves the Caddy:
- The defense must catch or run after the ball and return it to the table as fast as possible.
- The offense (their teammate if playing with 2) must take another Caddy and flip it to collapse ribs before the defense returns the ball to the table.

Stick to Stacked
If your loaded toss collapsed ribs - get ready for cannon shots!
Each fully collapsed rib is a shot your team can take to at your opponents Caddy to continue your turn for more points.

Cannon Shots
Shoot the ball like a cannon at your opponents drink using the Caddy.
A direct hit gives the shooting team extra time to flip and collapse ribs until the defense returns the ball back to the table.

Score It
Add the points up for each team after each toss/round. Use cancellation scoring.
First team to 11 wins! Win by 2 scoring.
More Details
Set Up
- Play 1v1 or 2v2
- Create landing zones (try dividing your table in two)
- Players stand on opposite ends of the table or 6 feet from the landing zone
Offense (Tossing Team)
- Toss the loaded caddy at least 10 feet above the table onto the landing zone to "stack" ribs and "pop" the ball like a rocket.
- When the ball leaves the Caddy, flip another Caddy as fast as you can before the defense returns the ball back to the table.
- Once the ball is returned back to the table, you must stop flipping immediately.
Defense (Catching Team)
- You must catch and chase any ball that left the Caddy and return it to the table as fast as possible.
What Happens
- Cannon Shots are earned if the caddy stacks ribs and remains on the table.
- Balls that leave the Caddy for the defense to return to the table are only in play when the Caddy landed in the agreed landing zone.
- Any catch on the defending team of a popped ball from a toss or from a cannon shot earns a cannon shot back to the other team before the turn is over and tosses switch teams.
Ages 21+
Use drinks as targets and chug instead of flip.
Offense (Tossing Team)
- Toss the loaded caddy at least 10 feet above the table onto the landing zone to "stack" ribs and "pop" the ball like a rocket.
- When the ball leaves the Caddy, drink as much of your drink as you can before the defense returns the ball back to the table.
- Once the ball is returned back to the table, you must stop drinking immediately.
- If you finish your drink, before the other team, you win!
Defense (Catching Team)
- You must catch and chase any ball that left the Caddy and came off the table and return it to the table as fast as possible.
What Happens
- Cannon Shots are earned if the caddy stacks ribs and remains on the table.
- Balls that leave the Caddy for the defense to return to the table are only in play when the Caddy landed in the agreed landing zone.
- Any catch on the defending team of a popped ball from a toss or from a cannon shot earns a cannon shot back to the other team before the turn is over and tosses switch teams.
Drink and play responsibly.
What games will you come up with?

Classic Game Set